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Know ye not hat he that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit (1 Cor 16;17). As he is so are we in this world (1 John 4;17) he is one with the Lord. This oneness is wonderful. Our bodies become the vehicle for his workings and works. Our voice become the chords of his words. Our hands become the contact point for his healing touch. When we touch, he himself touches others, when we talk he speaks, when we encourage others he himself lifts them up, why we are in him and he is in us. We are nearer than one flesh, we are one mind with him. The fornicator and harlot become one flesh but the believer and his Lord become one Spirit. Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. God lives in this house! Naos or temple, the inner place or inner court, the dwelling place the secret place. YOUR TEMPLE IS HOLY because it is the Lord’s. We are not the owners we are its trustees. If he is the owner then he must be responsible for the maintenance of it. When I’m sick he will heal me, When I’m poor he will raise me up, why, because as the Lord over his own house will he not do more for himself than he would do for me! Owners have more rights than tenants therefore I can with all confidence declare by his stripes I AM healed.