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Welcome in Jesus name

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Hi My name is Paul B Thomas, I am a pastor, author and bible teacher presently residing in Wales UK. After pastoring in Wales (renown for its past revivals) I embarked on a faith mission to USA to preach the gospel. The experience changed my world and ministry. I encountered many great folks who had me preach in their churches and groups, some charismatic, others apostolic Word of Faith and Pentecostal
Today I am in Wales building a ministry presence online with this web site ministry with plans to raise recognise and fellowship with others who are are passionate about a Jesus awakening and revival in their land or city.


  • To connect with other pastors preachers teachers (the five fold ministry and others) to connect online on this website and the various social media platforms online.
  • This website will feature member articles and blog posts. We connect to blogs and comment
  • We use this site to show members bios a mini bio making their church info and ministry info available to you
  • Forum: to chat


It is UK based, and we recognise the five fold ministry who have online and offline ministries too. As an online org we cross boundaries and welcome all those who seek the revelation of the mighty God in Christ. We do not promote legalism.


We believe in the apostles doctrine, the doctrine of Jesus and aim to follow the book of acts in faith doctrine and demonstration. we believe the bible to be the words of God and Jesus is God manifest in the flesh. We believe in the gifts of the spirit, healings miracles and faith etc. and desire to connect with those who are reaching nations and preaching Jesus  today.

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